12 March 2013

BIG News! Training Full Time(ish)

This is it! After many years in the world of finance, I have decided to make the jump and go back to a more active lifestyle; maybe even a bit more active than my years as a diving instructor! So, from the 20th of March 2013, I shall not be following the financial markets or talking to investors for some time! I shall, instead, be focusing on sport and being around more for Lisa and the kids. Am I happy about this? HELL YES!!!

Since this is my "triathlon" blog, then I need to focus on the aspects of how this move is going to affect my sport. For starters, triathlon training will be my main daily activity. This means that my week days will be planned around my training, and I shall be treating it as my main day job, even though I won't be taking it as a profession (at least for now). Weekends will still have a bit of training, yet they will be for lighter sessions to be enjoyed with the family, rather than being for longer sessions, as they are now.

The second major change will be time spent recovering. I'm hoping that with proper night sleep and naps, as well as decent down times, my body should now both recover faster and better, which should also, hopefully, mean that I can make bigger improvements.

The third change will be the addition of strength and conditioning training, which has so far been put on hold due to not enough hours in the day. Core and strength exercises to help with my cycling and running will form a major part of my S&C regimen, in addition to more active recovery work.

Lastly, nutrition should be getting more attention. I should now be able to be organised enough to treat my nutrition properly, rather than just look at it every few months and decide that I need to do something to fix it...

I have begun formulating my training plan, which should start on the 25th, the day after my sprint race at Bicester, leading up to my first major race in June in Madrid. It is still far from complete, since I am still trying to finish off a few bits and pieces in my current job, but I'm getting there. It is generally looking like training time shall be ranging from 30 to 40 hours per week at peak times, with 15 to 20 hours per week on recovery and taper weeks.

Let's see how long I can sustain this, and whether Lisa and the kids will like it. After all, what is most important is that such a move should have a positive effect on those around me more than anything else and, over the years, I have learned that, as long as the bills are paid, not being stressed, being more around the family and being happy much outweigh any financial gains.

Since mid June 2011, I have lost 25kgs (55lbs), I have started training again for triathlons, I have become much healthier physically, and now it's time to focus on being happier. For me, what would make me happy would be to spend more time with my family and to share my experience with as many people as possible. After all, if sharing the experience of my taking sport seriously at this not-so-young age would inspire at least one person to get up and get active, then I have achieved much more than anything I have ever achieved in any other job! Therefore, encouraging people of all ages to be more active will be on top of my list in this coming period.

I'm ready!


  1. Wow!! That's a big step. I wish you all the best and will be following your blog to learn how the changes you mention will impact your performance.

    1. Thanks, Tarek! I'll also be looking forward to seeing updates on your blog :)
