25 June 2014

Better Times, Still More To Improve (My Ironman 70.3 Luxembourg Race Report)

I have just completed my second Half Ironman race, the Ironman 70.3 Luxembourg, and I must say that I am happy with the overall result. After my race in Mallorca earlier last month, there were a lot of lessons that I have taken away from there, a couple of tweaks I've made to my training and racing strategy, and the training race in London three weeks ago, and it seems to have worked. There is still plenty left to be desired, but what I'm pleased about is that I can see that I'm on the right path. In this post, I discuss some details of these lessons, as well as an account of my race.

2 minutes under my target. Happy! :)

16 June 2014

Recovery, The Heart, Doping, & Health

My main aim in this post is to provide some useful information for everyone, not just for athletes. I talk in a very simple and simplified manner, trying to avoid anything that is too technical, and I try my best to explain certain complex theories in very basic terms, as I believe this is a very important subject for EVERYONE to be aware of.

Yet, as much as there is a lot of information that can be used for everyone, even those who don't do sports or just starting, I believe that some of the information here is also crucial for anyone doing sports, especially those who want to improve and who would consider themselves to be at a more advanced level.

Please note that, since I am trying to simplify the subject, some parts may not be complete, just to avoid complicating things. I am more than happy to discuss the subjects mentioned here in much more detail with anyone who may be interested.

03 June 2014

My Triathlon Story In Numbers (& WTS London Race Report)

This post may be of particular interest to those who are just starting out in sport, those who want to improve, or those who are just curious about how certain people develop. It may also be of interest to those people (like myself) who like to look at numbers and data.

After briefly going through some of my past and present result highlights, I talk a bit about my race in the weekend, factors I believe have got me there, and then I end up with a table where you can calculate what race times and/or efforts you should expect.

But, before I get on with this, I have to say a huge THANK YOU to all those who came out and cheered for me, as well as those who have sent their messages of encouragement! Every one of you really made it that bit easier for me and made me go that bit quicker :)
With fellow Egyptian,
the phenomenal Moustafa Fawzy :)